For most people, the answer is, “it depends.” The condition that heart disease lives with is called “coronary artery disease.” It is a condition where fatty deposits, called plaque, build up in the walls of the arteries, causing the blockage. Without proper treatment, over time, this can cause a heart attack or stroke.
As with any disease, prevention is always better than cure. If you have known to take your medications on time and to exercise regularly, then you might have avoided a heart attack or stroke. Treatment of the symptoms may be more important than the actual treatment for the disease. If you have experienced a heart attack or stroke, it is important to get treatment immediately, even if you are otherwise healthy.
If you have had a heart attack or stroke, you will need to have some type of surgery, hospitalization, or physical rehabilitation. This will involve taking off your blood pressure, reducing your cholesterol levels, and possibly using a defibrillator. Depending on your age and your risk factors, you may also need to use insulin to control your blood sugar levels. Most of these treatments will reduce your life expectancy by a year or two at best. If you want to live longer with heart disease then consult Covid-19 free hospital in UAE.
Some people are able to live for several years after their symptoms have gone away. Others become disabled or suffer from other life-threatening problems. Symptoms such as cough or shortness of breath could easily lead to a heart attack. When you are without oxygen for an extended period, your chances of brain death increase greatly. Many sufferers die within a week of their first symptoms.
If your doctor has diagnosed you with heart disease, the answer to the question, “How long can you live?” is not easy to determine. Your heart condition will be a lifelong commitment. The best you can do is to try to keep it healthy. By changing your lifestyle and following the advice of your doctor, you can improve your odds of living a long and healthy life.
The answer to how long you will live depends on your risk factors. If you smoke, you run the risk of lung cancer and other diseases. If you are overweight, your heart has to work even harder. High cholesterol and diabetes both affect your circulation and can cause clogged arteries. Even a sedentary lifestyle is associated with increased risks of heart problems.
The answer to how long you will live will change depending on your risk factors and how well you are educated about them. If you are a smoker, you run the risk of developing cancers of the mouth, lips, and throat. If you are overweight, your risk factors include high blood pressure and coronary heart disease.
If you are over fifty years of age, your risk factors include cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, and triglycerides. If you are a man, you have to consider the effect of estrogen on your heart. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, you increase your risk for diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke.
Knowing the answer to the question, How long can you live with heart disease? helps you plan your family. You want to make sure that you have someone to carry on your child’s father’s name. If your mother or father develops heart disease, you may be able to use his name to get a prescription. It is always important to take good care of yourself and try to stay as healthy as possible.
There are many other questions that you will need to answer. How many sexual partners do you have in a year? Do you smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs? Do you have high blood pressure or cholesterol levels? What is your family history like? Have you had any strokes or heart attacks?
When you have all of the facts, it makes it much easier to decide if you should live a longer life. If you are healthy now, you will not have to worry about the possibility of getting heart disease. You will be able to enjoy your life without having to think about dying from any type of heart problem. If you want a longer healthier life, then you will need to learn about how long can you live with heart disease?
The best way to find out the answer to this question is to do your research. Go online and read about it. Ask people who have already lived longer than they expected and get their answer. Hopefully, you will be able to live a longer life because of the information that you have gained.