In this article, we will describe the many health benefits of using CBD for pets, and how CBD can not only help animals, but also their owners.
Top 5 health benefits of CBD for your pets
cbd oil benefits for pets
Due to the similarities between body structures in humans and some mammals, many owners have started using CBD infused products for pets from affordable pet care stores.
Between 1 and 5% of puppies experience seizures, which are caused by an assortment of hidden pathologies , including hereditary, liver and kidney diseases, head damage, brain tumors or epilepsy idiopathic. Idiopathic epilepsy also influences 3% of dogs, but the cause of this pathology has not yet been established.
According to a study by Evan C. Rosenberg, Richard W. Tsien, Benjamin J. Whalley and Orrin Devinsky, CBD gradually reduces the number of seizures, down to zero. In addition, its interaction with endocannabinoid receptors prevents neurotoxicity caused by convulsions.
Animals may suffer from joint pain, and although they may not be able to communicate it, you may notice that their movements are slowed down, or that they have a loss of appetite. Preparatory data demonstrate that the connection of CBD with CB1 receptors is essential for the treatment of chronic pain in, for example, dogs and felines. This decreases the feeling of torment, and relaxes the body.
Anxiety can affect any animal, big or small. Using pet CBD for anxiety will help them stay calm, and have quicker reactions in tense situations. CBD is currently used by many patients (humans and animals) as an alternative palliative, with no unwanted reaction. Convincing research indicates that ” CBD causes a selective anxiolytic effect” , and states that it is “associated with significantly reduced subjective anxiety.”
A 2011 study suggests that CBD also has a positive effect on animals against nausea, because the interaction of CBD with endocannabinoid receptors combats this pathology.
Studies have shown that CBD could stop the growth of cancer cells . In addition, it helps improve the effectiveness of traditional medicines, and resolves some of the side effects of these treatments. (6)
As reported by AVMA , CBD has been used to treat a variety of diseases in animals. This list contains many symptoms, which people also treat with CBD, such as pain, irritation, seizures, tumors and related problems, fears, stomach problems, and nervousness. Different owners have started treating their animals with CBD products to provide better workarounds. The positive effects of this product include an improvement in the animal’s quality of life, weight gain, vitality and an increase in appetite.
But there’s nothing to worry about, since all animals experience anxiety, or stress, at some point in their lives, just like humans.