Our hands are one of our body’s most hardworking yet neglected parts. They touch countless surfaces, wash dishes, type on keyboards, and endure wear and tear daily. Hands need as much, if not more, care and attention as our faces.
Using a beauty and skincare regime for your hands will make them beautiful and reflect your overall health and well-being.
Hands-on Beauty: 10 Quick Tips for Beautiful Hands
1. Moisturise, Moisturise, Moisturise!
Dry hands can make your skin look rough and flaky. Regularly use good quality hand cream or lotion to keep your hands soft and smooth. Apply it after washing your hands or whenever your hands feel dry. Look for products that contain ingredients like shea butter, glycerin, or coconut oil for extra hydration.
2. Exfoliate
Exfoliating your hands can help remove dead skin cells and improve the texture of your skin. You can use a scrub specifically designed for hands or make your own using natural ingredients like sugar, honey, and olive oil. Gently massage your hands. Don’t forget the cuticles! Rinse off the scrub with warm water and pat dry.
3. Shield ’em from the Sun
Like your face, the Sun’s harmful UV rays can also affect your hands. To protect your hands from sun damage, use a hand cream or lotion that contains SPF. This will shield your hands from intense sunlight and help prevent dark spots and premature ageing.
4. Don’t Forget the Gloves
When doing household chores, cleaning products and detergents can be harsh on your skin, causing dryness, irritation, and even allergic reactions. To protect your hands from these chemicals, wear gloves whenever you do household chores like washing dishes, cleaning the bathroom, or doing the laundry.
5. Use Cuticle Oil for Healthy Nails
Your nails are an important part of your overall hand beauty, so it is essential to take care of them, too. Using cuticle oil can help to keep your nails healthy and strong. Apply a drop of cuticle oil to each nail and massage it gently, especially at the nail bed. This will nourish your nails and prevent them from becoming brittle or dry. Regular use can help nail health as well as keep those cuticles moisturised.
6. Try Hand Masks for Extra Hydration
Hand masks are a great way to give your hands an extra boost of hydration. You can make your hand mask using ingredients like avocado, banana, or honey. But buying one can help solve specific issues on your hands. Apply the mask to your hands, leave it on for 15-20 minutes, and rinse with warm water. Your hands will feel soft, smooth, and nourished.
7. Avoid Hot Water
Hot water can strip your skin of natural oils, leaving it dry. Use room-temperature or lukewarm water instead of scalding hot water when washing your hands. This will help moisturise your skin and prevent it from drying or cracking.
8. Keep Your Hands Clean
This might seem pretty basic, but keeping your hands clean is vital for good hand hygiene and preventing the spread of germs. Wash your hands regularly with soap and warm water, especially after using the bathroom. It’s also a good idea to get into the habit of washing your hands after coming home and handling/eating food.
9. File, Trim, Polish
We haven’t forgotten about the nails! Long or short, everyone loves a set of clean, healthy, good-looking nails. Ensure you regularly cut and clean your nails. Buff and file them, too. Throw on some nail paint, or simply protect them with transparent nail polish. You can even set a day aside to give yourself a manicure or treat yourself to a hand spa for smooth, beautiful hands.
10. Use Hand Cream Before Bedtime
Applying hand cream before bedtime is a great way to give your hands an extra dose of hydration while you sleep. This will help to lock in moisture and keep your hands soft and smooth overnight. Pay attention to all parts of your hands, and throw a short massage to keep your finger joints happy. A happy hand is a healthy hand!
Unlocking Some More Secrets to Soft and Supple Hands!
Stay hydrated
Drinking enough water is essential for maintaining healthy and hydrated skin, including your hands. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily to keep your skin looking and feeling its best.
Use hand sanitiser sparingly
While hand sanitisers are a great way to keep your hands free of germs, overuse can make your hands dry and rough. Try to use hand sanitiser only when necessary; wash your hands with soap and water instead. Don’t forget to use hand cream after!
Watch your diet
Eating a healthy and balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals is vital to healthy nails. Foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and fish are rich in essential nutrients that promote nail growth and keep them pink, strong, and beautiful.
By following these tips and tricks, you will be well on your way to having soft, smooth, and healthy hands that you can be proud of. Remember to keep your hands moisturised, protected, and nourished inside and out. With a little bit of care and attention, you can transform your hands into a true asset that radiates health, beauty, and confidence. So go ahead and give these hacks a try; see just how beautiful your hands can truly be!
India’s best affordable hand creams and masks of 2023 are now available on tira. You can choose the one that suits your needs and budget and give your hands the extra care they deserve. You can also read more blogs and check out products on tira.